It is the first real week in Phoenix for Nate since he has landed. Monday rolls around, and the calendar is blank. Knowing nobody and having no plans would typically be daunting or depressing for Nate. However, it is becoming clear that weekends with no plans typically turn out to be some of the best weekends. Nate is in an interesting season where he has more free time and fewer connections on his hands than usual. This is not his typical modus operandi. His Tucson calendar was fearfully packed back to back with social engagements and commitments. It sounds greatly fun and fulfilling, perhaps even productive. Saying “yes”, especially saying yes in the moment, just because there was space on the calendar somehow had become the default. Burnout quickly manifested, and emotions were splattered across the kitchen floor.
Phoenix is the opportunity for a cold-reboot.
Unbeknownst to the world, Nate is inherently clawing at the door and fighting thoughts of loneliness that are complete lies fueled by dangerous precedent. Everything is more than fine.
Warren Buffet claims that “successful people say no to almost everything”. How could that be possible? The key would be disassociation with the lie that busyness is synonymous with success. What if a schedule free for spontaneity was the new benchmark for success?
This new season, however, is teaching him how imperative it is to leave space in time.These free times can be some of the richest and most fruitful. The conclusion – when one isn’t fueled by obligation – they are fueled by passion. They are doing what they do out of love. Love wins. Love wins the hearts of others and the heart of God.
The previously daunting vacant schedule turned out surpass most plans he would have contrived himself. Adequate rest was had. Quality time and service at the house was done joyfully and lovingly. Nate studied Fred Guirey architecture on the ASU campus and built a gingerbread replica with old friends. Guided by the wonderful Local First Arizona representative, he ate delicious celebrity chef pie at Pie Social. While walking off the pie coma, Nate happened upon the Fortouls Brothers art opening at the pop up 40OWLS gallery on North Central Avenue and McKinley. Nate has stories to tell about the weekend – stories he never would have had time to generate in the past. Stories he would have driven by wishing and wondering.
Not so ironically, Nate also learned the space in time concept beautifully complements the gasoline challenge. Biking takes time and requires alternative routes. This weekend took him down the enjoyable, quiet neighborhoods of Willo, Coronado, and Yaple Park. Neighborhoods that overflow with modest beauty unveiled by space in time. Slower paces allow for easier pauses. Pauses to think, process, and express gratitude.
As Nate becomes connected through work and church, will space remain? More importantly, what will happen to his heart if space disappears?
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